Birders on whale watching boats usually see more than just whales. Margo Goetschkes and Steve Grinley rode the Hurricane II from Cape Ann to Stellwagen Bank and saw not only five species of tubenoses, but also an immature Brown Booby that cooperatively flew alongside the boat for a short time. Margo Goetschkes took the photograph.

Two Franklin’s Gull sightings in Massachusetts in April 2023 were followed by a third in June, when Ted Bradford, gathering data as a volunteer for the International Shorebird Survey, photographed an adult at Race Point. Ted Bradford took the photograph.

On May 8, Jim Sweeney picked a Common Ringed Plover out of a group of Semipalmated Plovers at West Island, Fairhaven. It flew off after 10 minutes. It made its only other appearance on May 13. Jim Sweeney took the photograph.

Lisa Schibley and Soheil Zendeh spotted a Curlew Sandpiper at Plymouth Beach on July 12. Almost a month earlier, Philip Kyle photographed another one near Eastham, Cape Cod. Lisa Schibley took this photograph.

A homeowner in Sandwich noticed a White-winged Dove in his yard, and alerted a few local birders, who came to see it on June 10. There were no further reports of the bird after that date. Mary Keleher took the photograph.