
June 2023

Vol. 51, No. 3

Field Notes: Salt Pannes: A Summer Stopover for Shorebirds

Michael Rossacci

Semipalmated Sandpiper. A quiet moment on a still morning. All photographs by the author.
Semipalmated Sandpiper. A quiet moment on a still morning. All photographs by the author.

When birding Plum Island, Massachusetts, I often passed by the Salt Pannes Wildlife Observation Area on my way to other birding opportunities at the beaches, boardwalks, or blinds farther south. When the Covid pandemic arrived, however, I decided to develop a deeper connection with the Pannes and the many shorebirds that they draw. Shorebirds are among my favorite birds to photograph, so I began to stop at the the Pannes once per week during the summer of 2021. I learned that the Pannes can be a great place to see and photograph shorebirds in mid to late summer.

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