Fig. 1. Least Sandpiper. Winter (basic) plumage found in southern U.S., Mexico, Caribbean, and northern South America. Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX. 19 February 2022.
Fig. 2. Least Sandpipers. Winter (basic) plumage in afternoon light, pale legs, hunched posture. Estero Llano Grande, Weslaco, TX. 27 January 2018.
Fig. 3. Least Sandpipers. Winter (basic) plumage. Note fine-tipped bill, breast band faded toward center of breast. Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX. 22 January 2022.
Fig. 4. Least Sandpiper molting from winter (basic) to spring (alternate) plumage. Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX. 12 March 2023.
Fig. 5. Least Sandpiper. Fresh spring (alternate) plumage, fine-tipped down-decurved bill, pale legs, streaked bib across entire breast. Hornsby Bend, Austin TX. 17 April 2017.
Fig. 6. Least Sandpiper. Fresh spring (alternate) plumage, chestnut and pale margins on mantle feathers, streaked bib across entire breast. McFaddin NWR, TX. 8 May 2015.
Fig. 7. Least Sandpipers. Worn summer (alternate) plumage, dark mantle feathers with worn margins, heavy dark bib visible at distance. Rumney Marsh, Revere, MA. 1 August 2021.
Fig. 8. Least Sandpipers. Worn summer (alternate) plumage. Female’s bill is longer; male’s bill is shorter. Belle Isle Marsh, East Boston, MA. 8 July 2014.
Fig. 9. Least Sandpiper. Worn summer (alternate) plumage, and bird is beginning molt to winter (basic) plumage. Rumney Marsh, Revere, MA. 17 July 2019.
Fig. 10. Least Sandpiper. Summer (alternate) plumage feathers have broad dark centers and narrow worn edges; fresh winter (basic) feathers have narrow dark centers and broad pale margins. Rumney Marsh, Revere, MA. 17 July 2019.
Fig. 11. Least Sandpiper. Note Salt-and-pepper effect of worn summer (alternate) plumage as bird begins to molt to fresh winter (basic) plumage. Ninigret Flats NWR, Charlestown, RI. 26 August 2018.
Fig. 12. Least Sandpiper. Juvenile plumage, with conspicuous V-marks on mantle, lower scapulars with white margins. Nahant Beach, Nahant, MA. 2 September 2016.
Fig. 13. Least Sandpiper. Juvenile plumage, with conspicuous V-marks on mantle; white-edged lower scapulars form dotted line. Winthrop Beach, Winthrop, MA. 24 August 2015.
Fig. 14. Least Sandpiper. Juvenile plumage, with conspicuous V-marks on mantle and lower scapulars. Ninigret Flats, Charlestown, RI. 22 August 2018.
Fig. 15. Least Sandpiper. Juvenile plumage, with inconspicuous dorsal V-marks and, short primary projection. Winthrop Beach, Winthrop, MA. 3 September 2014.
Fig. 16. Comparison of Semipalmated Sandpiper (SESA) and Least Sandpiper (LESA), both in juvenile plumage. Winthrop Beach, Winthrop, MA. 6 September 2021.
Fig. 17. Least Sandpiper showing short P10 primary feathers, dusky underside of wingtips. Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX. 12 March 2023.
Fig. 1. Least Sandpiper. Winter (basic) plumage found in southern U.S., Mexico, Caribbean, and northern South America. Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX. 19 February 2022.
Fig. 2. Least Sandpipers. Winter (basic) plumage in afternoon light, pale legs, hunched posture. Estero Llano Grande, Weslaco, TX. 27 January 2018.
Fig. 3. Least Sandpipers. Winter (basic) plumage. Note fine-tipped bill, breast band faded toward center of breast. Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX. 22 January 2022.
Fig. 4. Least Sandpiper molting from winter (basic) to spring (alternate) plumage. Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX. 12 March 2023.
Fig. 5. Least Sandpiper. Fresh spring (alternate) plumage, fine-tipped down-decurved bill, pale legs, streaked bib across entire breast. Hornsby Bend, Austin TX. 17 April 2017.
least sandpiper.macfaddin.2015.05.08.IMG_6626.jpg
Fig. 6. Least Sandpiper. Fresh spring (alternate) plumage, chestnut and pale margins on mantle feathers, streaked bib across entire breast. McFaddin NWR, TX. 8 May 2015.
Fig. 7. Least Sandpipers. Worn summer (alternate) plumage, dark mantle feathers with worn margins, heavy dark bib visible at distance. Rumney Marsh, Revere, MA. 1 August 2021.
Fig. 8. Least Sandpipers. Worn summer (alternate) plumage. Female’s bill is longer; male’s bill is shorter. Belle Isle Marsh, East Boston, MA. 8 July 2014.
Fig. 9. Least Sandpiper. Worn summer (alternate) plumage, and bird is beginning molt to winter (basic) plumage. Rumney Marsh, Revere, MA. 17 July 2019.
Fig. 10. Least Sandpiper. Summer (alternate) plumage feathers have broad dark centers and narrow worn edges; fresh winter (basic) feathers have narrow dark centers and broad pale margins. Rumney Marsh, Revere, MA. 17 July 2019.
Fig. 11. Least Sandpiper. Note Salt-and-pepper effect of worn summer (alternate) plumage as bird begins to molt to fresh winter (basic) plumage. Ninigret Flats NWR, Charlestown, RI. 26 August 2018.
Fig. 12. Least Sandpiper. Juvenile plumage, with conspicuous V-marks on mantle, lower scapulars with white margins. Nahant Beach, Nahant, MA. 2 September 2016.
Fig. 13. Least Sandpiper. Juvenile plumage, with conspicuous V-marks on mantle; white-edged lower scapulars form dotted line. Winthrop Beach, Winthrop, MA. 24 August 2015.
Fig. 14. Least Sandpiper. Juvenile plumage, with conspicuous V-marks on mantle and lower scapulars. Ninigret Flats, Charlestown, RI. 22 August 2018.
Fig. 15. Least Sandpiper. Juvenile plumage, with inconspicuous dorsal V-marks and, short primary projection. Winthrop Beach, Winthrop, MA. 3 September 2014.
Fig. 16. Comparison of Semipalmated Sandpiper (SESA) and Least Sandpiper (LESA), both in juvenile plumage. Winthrop Beach, Winthrop, MA. 6 September 2021.
Fig. 17. Least Sandpiper showing short P10 primary feathers, dusky underside of wingtips. Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX. 12 March 2023.